The possibilities for me to support you, your team or your organisation to work with conversation are expansive. A central part of human-centred engagement and change, the way in which we conduct conversations and the associated listening can change everything.

Thinking Space for Individuals and Teams
A unique opportunity to be listened to by a professional thinking partner, creating a gateway to clarity and improved decision making, for you, and on others you engage with whether at work or in your personal life.
Thinking Space unlocks stuckness. Thinking Space helps you to get out of your own way. Thinking Space enables you to follow your thinking wherever it takes you.
This benefits you now in your busy life by dismantling assumptions, encouraging you to think deeply about your role where you find yourself and creates a unique space to enable you to let go of all of the unhelpful thinking. Thinking Space will create that gateway to clarity, about what to do now and what to do next.
Thinking Space incorporates:
- The individual/ team identifying areas that they want to improve
- Connecting with the individual/ team in ways and at times that work for them
- The individual/ team being supported by Fiona MacNeill with access to others who are matched to the needs and aspirations as they arise and who will ask questions to deepen and clarify thinking
- Enabling the individual/ team to do the thinking they need to do away from judgement, cynicism and fear
- Enabling the individual/ team to decide what matters and what doesn’t, without the interference of any other thinking
- Unlimited support that includes face-to-face, face-to-face via video, and telephone and email support
- Ideally, the individual/ team attends for a half-day discovery conversation, however, this can also be done remotely across geography and time zones!
These Thinking Space packages are available from as little as £,1200 for 6 months unlimited access for an individual to £7,500 for 6 months access for a team of up to six. Everything is possible and no price is fixed.
All of the people who provided these testimonials would be happy for you to have a conversation with them. Email me on [email protected] and I can set that up.
Thinkers believe Thinking Space is different to a more traditional coaching process:
By comparison with other more formal coaching sessions, I think it is the lack of structure that actually makes it more successful. Being free to explore whatever comes into your mind, or discuss whatever you are feeling, seems to work more effectively than having a standard process to follow or a set of agreed objectives you have to work through. Having confidence that Fiona is really listening also gives substance to the session.
Director: Heath and Social Care
Fiona’s observations: In a Thinking Space environment, the goals emerge, they are formed throughout the process rather than defining the conversation by narrowing the process at the front end. As we all know, if we are asked to think of a ‘blue elephant’ it’s hard not to! Chances are if the elephant is important it will come out in the thinking.
It allows me to reflect on everything I have happening in my life at the moment. It sees me as a whole person, not just my work. It allows me to take an outside view at the projects and opportunities I take and realise what I gain or don’t gain from them. It makes me appreciate what I do and I feel safe to speak about whatever I want. Whenever I am asked questions through the Thinking Space, it makes me reflect even further and it shows me that my thoughts and feelings are being heard and appreciated too.
Business Owner
Fiona’s observations: In a Thinking Space environment, the connection is to the whole person and what is going on for them. It’s not counselling; however, it does see and have care for the person, not just their role. Clearly, what people chose to share or not share is completely up to them. The Thinking Partner has no objective other than helping the person to think better for themselves. Nancy Kline describes this as being essential and irrelevant.
One of the unique factors of working alongside Fiona is that she has a cadre of associates from a wide variety of backgrounds, which has meant that my team and I can be connected to the appropriate person as the process unfolds, rather than the traditional model of one coach per person. We have access to ex-Chief Executives, Senior Operations people still working in business and a seasoned team of Thinking Partners, who bring creativity and challenge to the conversation. This makes the one-to-one conversations focussed on the specific need, as well as the relationship.
Director: High Performing Local Authority
Fiona’s observations: In a Thinking Space environment, I want to provide the best Thinking Partner as and when required. I am proud to be the leader of a small business that has the depth and breadth of people who think differently from me and from each other. We are bound by our values, and our wide-ranging experience opens-up the possibility for all kinds of Thinking Spaces. You get who is best when that emerges. It’s fluid, it’s emerging and it’s all about what you need.
100% of 45 people who had/ have Fiona as their Thinking Partner in the last 12 months said they would recommend the experience to others. They said:
- It’s the mixture of intense listening, powerful questions and challenge that makes this unique
- It’s not a walk or a pint with a friend; this is time with a professional and insightful person with no judgement or preconceived ideas around outcomes
- It’s the fact that it changed me and how I do things, both in terms of strategic perspective and my personal impact